What Is Yoga?

Yoga is unity, union. It is the reality of the entire universe; I am yoga, you are yoga.

Yoga is not an exercise. It is not an activity. You don’t have to ‘disconnect’ from the universe, nor is it possible. Sure, you can put your phone down for a bit. But you are always connected. There is nothing to connect. Just be aware, that’s all.

Information on Migraines and Headaches

by Michael Ducharme

Nearly everyone experiences at least an occasional headache, while around 15% of people suffer its most painful and debilitating form, the migraine. My protocol addresses the underlying cause of these conditions, which produces long-lasting results while other practitioners rely on techniques that at best mask the symptoms and sometimes contribute to a progressive worsening of the disease.

Immediate and Lasting Migraine Relief

My Protocol for Immediate and Lasting Migraine Relief

After more than two decades of experimentation, I succeeded in developing a highly effective, non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical treatment protocol for chronic headaches and chronic migraines. The hallmark of my system is a unique method of restoring the normal energy flow (wiggliness!) throughout the entire body, such that the body is able to “heal itself” quickly and efficiently. This self-healing includes proper oxygenation and detoxification, which are apparently hindered by a lack of “wiggliness”. (more…)

Truth and Lies about Protein

The Protein Myth

One of the greatest modern myths is that, since your muscles are made of protein, then eating protein must be good for you. Another way of saying this is that if you want to have strong muscles, then you should eat muscles. Some cultures also believe that eating animal feet is good for your feet, eating heart is good for your heart, eating brain is good for your brain, and so on.