Como Llegar a Vida Lotus por Auto

Llegar a Vida Lotus por carro es facil!

1. Leave Panama City by either bridge

2. Travel 50km Westbound on the Pan-American Highway, passing Chorrera and Capira

3. Turn Right at the entrance to Panama’s First National Park, marked by the following sign

parque nacional y reserva biologica altos de campana

4. Continue 2.5 km on Via Limon-Chica, while enjoying picturesque forest and ocean view. 400m before our entrance, you will see a giant boulder on your right side.

5. Vida Lotus is on the right side. You will find our sign, followed by an electric gate showing three lotus flowers. There is an intercom at the gate, but it is wise to call us before your arrival for best service.

Vida Lotus entrance gate

Notes: It takes about 40 minutes from Panama City, or about an hour from the Tocumen International Airport (PTY).