Our Migraine Healing Protocol

The Vida Lotus Migraine Healing Protocol works like no other treatment for migraines anywhere in the world. We have helped thousands of people obtain relief from headaches, migraines, even chronic migraines. And our patients see a dramatic result within the first few minutes of treatment, which takes around two hours in total.

Help for Migraines and Headaches

If you or someone you know suffers from migraines or headaches, we are here to help. Migraines are our main area of focus. It is our mission to erradicate all human suffering, but we give migraine sufferers a certain priority due to the severity of the pain that only migraineurs can understand.

If you arrive to Vida Lotus Retreat & Spa in the middle of an acute migraine attack, let us know immediately, so that we can help you to get relief as quickly as possible. Many times already know before you say it, but some people are good at hiding their pain from others.

9 Human Needs

The Nine Human Needs

Vida Lotus 9 part system for wellness summary“Vida Lotus” or the Lotus Lifestyle, is a simple, powerful and flexible nine-part system for achieving wellness of the body, mind and soul.

To easily recall the nine parts of this system, you can imagine an 8-petal lotus flower with love at the center.

Here are the nine elements of Vida Lotus:

To Love is the central point of Vida Lotus.

To Love is the very essence of your being, and the reason for all creation. Love is your core, and fear is the opposite of love. So definitely don’t be afraid to love. Love yourself. Love others. Love the universe itself. Love love. You can even love fear. Whatever you do, don’t fear love. I suggest you try your best to love all people, even those that would harm you. That doesn’t mean you have to like them or their actions. “To love” in essence, means to wish wellness for the other, and a willingness to help them achieve it. When our “enemies” heal, we all win.


Our Mission

We are on a mission to eradicate worldwide suffering. And we have a practical plan to do just that. But since there are about 8 billion people that are suffering, we need all the help we can get. So please read on and contact us if you would like to join our good fight against the root cause of needless suffering.

Dream, and Live that Dream

The eighth and final petal of the Vida Lotus System is to dream well, and to continuously live your dream. Focus more on the quality of your sleep rather than the quantity. And pay attention to your dreams, since this one aspect of sleep is by far the most overlooked and it can bring benefits beyond your belief. It can give you the perspective that is hard to get when the five notorious senses are awake. When you do awaken from your dream, make a note of anything that you remember, then get to work on achieving your mission. Live your dream!

Meditate or pray

Meditate or pray: it’s the same thing if you do it right

The Seventh Petal in The Vida Lotus System is to Meditate or pray: Open your mind and your heart to the divine truth that penetrates you and the entire universe. The more profoundly you observe everything, the more your consciousness can evolve, and this will lead you to be healthier and happier. Meditation means deep observation. We need to go deeper than the five notorious senses that can trap us in the physical realm and prevent us from understanding our spiritual mission. In the same way, true prayer is not about making a list of demands to the almighty, but rather, it’s about listening deeply, and responding with your actions.

The Eighth and Final Petal of the Vida Lotus System : Dream… and Live Your Dream


Chicas Vida Lotus Girls

Even if you eat correctly by avoiding GMO’s, pesticides, and the antibiotics and hormones in animal products, some toxins are sure to sneak their way into your body… so it’s wise to keep a rough count of how many toxins are coming in on a daily basis compared to how many are going out.

The four channels of elimination

The body uses four main methods of elimination: respiration, perspiration, urination and defecation. Your body is designed to eliminate toxins automatically through these channels. Unfortunately, the world has become much more toxic since the industrial revolution, so it helps to learn which tools and methods are available to assist the body with its daily cleanup, such that fewer toxins can accumulate in your tissues and eventually cause disease. Water fasting is the most effective method, to be used only occasionally and preferably with professional supervision. Fortunately there are many other ways to detoxify, and some are far more pleasurable than fasting, like a relaxing massage or laying in a sauna.

Next: Meditate

Eat Organic Fruit

The Fifth Petal in the Vida Lotus System is to Eat a plant-based diet.

Everyone loves fruit. And the human digestive system is clearly designed for digesting it easily. We produce in our saliva the exact digestive enzymes needed for digesting fruit. The small intestine is specially designed to absorb the amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients from the fruit pulp. The large intestine is specially designed to absorb water from the fruit pulp.

Nourish your body with raw organic herbs, spices, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

This Web site is filled with information and articles regarding the health benefits of following a whole-food, plant-based diet. We believe the optimal choice is the “Raw Vegan” diet, but as a minimum step, we recommend that everyone at least be plant-based. Aside from this Web site, we encourage you to learn what the published research says about eating plants. Nutritionfacts.org is an excellent resource.

Continue to The Sixth Petal in the Vida Lotus System…

Next: Detoxify Yourself

Bathe Right

Chica Vida Lotus Girl

The fourth petal of the Vida Lotus system is to bathe in water that nourishes you. Chlorine and other toxins found in city water supplies can be absorbed through the skin. Do not drink or bathe in low quality, contaminated or “dead” water. A Japanese scientist, Masaru Emoto, wrote extensively on the different quality of water in different environments. He attempted to show that flower water is filled with life-giving energy while stagnant water was effectively dead.

Ideally, you would drink and bathe in living water directly from a crisp mountain spring.

If you can’t move closer to a fresh mountain spring, at very least install as much filtration as possible, and use fresh basil under your shower head… basil will release a beautiful aroma in the water and will nourish your skin, hair and even your mind.

Bottled water is often as contaminated as tap water, maybe worse due to plastic materials (such as bisphenol-A and pthalates) leaching into the water from the bottle.

Hydrate yourself the way humans were designed to hydrate: by eating raw fruits. And that brings us to the next petal in the Vida Lotus system…

Next: Eat raw fruits