Vida Lotus is a movement.
Fundacion Vida Lotus is a registered foundation with the mission is of leading the world to wellness through education about the nine human needs. We also provide healing treatments to alleviate stress and some types of pain including migraines, headaches, neck, shoulder and back pain, and other conditions including insomnia. Our methods were developed based on the lifetime work of our founder, Michael Ducharme.
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One visit to our headquarters in Limon Panama can positively change your life.
Unfortunately our Web site was recently attacked. What you are seeing is a small fraction of the educational content that we have put forth in the last decade. We are working hard to re-build our Web site. In the mean time, welcome to reach out to us or visit us on the platform that you prefer, such as Instagram or Youtube, or add +507 6676 8111 on WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal.